Publications (English)
- Niesyto, Horst (2021): Digital Capitalism and Critical Media Education. In: Digital Capitalism, Datafication and Media Education. Critical Perspectives., Special Issue, Vol. 17 No. 2, edited by Valentin Dander, Theo Hug, Ina Sander, Rachel Shanks, p. 1-21,
- Niesyto, Horst / Moser, Heinz (2018): Medienkritik im digitalen Zeitalter [Media Criticism in Digital Age]. Schriftenreihe Medienpädagogik interdisziplinär, Band 11. München: kopaed. Onlineversion (full text). (The book is written in German language, but there are Abstracts of all 16 articles in English. The article written by David Buckingham is also accessible in English language: original text and short version (Blog)
- Niesyto, Horst (2017): Topics and Key Areas in Current Media Pedagogical Discussions. In: Religious Education in a Mediatized World, edited by Ilona Nord and Hanna Zipernovsky. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 171-188. (e-Book, Link) Preprint
- Niesyto, Horst (2013): Intercultural education and the media — an educational perspective. In: Media Power and Religions. The Challenge Facing Intercultural Dialogue and Learning, edited by Manfred L. Pirner and Johannes Lähnemann. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, pp. 117-126.
- Niesyto, Horst (2011): No Education without Media! In: A Manifesto for Media Education. Manifest (in German); short info (in English)
- Holzwarth, Peter / Maurer, Björn / Niesyto, Horst (2006): Media, migration and school. Visions for media education in intercultural settings. In: Education and intercultural narratives in multicultural classrooms, ed. by Claudio Baraldi. Rom: Officina Edizioni, pp. 165-185.
- de Block, Liesbeth / Buckingham, David / Holzwarth, Peter / Niesyto, Horst (2004): Visions Across Cultures: Migrant Children Using Audio-Visual Images to Communicate. Children in Communication about Migration (CHICAM). Deliverables 14 und 15. August 2004. Contract No: HPSE-CT2001-00048 (60 pages)
- Niesyto, Horst / Buckingham, David / Fisherkeller, JoEllen (2003): VideoCulture: Crossing Borders with Young People’s Video Productions. In: Television & New Media, Volume 4, Issue 4, November 2003: pp. 461-482. Link
- Niesyto, Horst / Buckingham, David (2001): VideoCulture: an introduction. In: Journal of Educational Media. Vol. 26, Nr. 3, October 2001. Special Issue: The VideoCulture Project. London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 167-172. Preprint
- Niesyto, Horst (2001): VideoCulture: conclusions and key findings. In: Journal of Educational Media. Vol. 26, Nr. 3, October 2001. Special Issue: The VideoCulture Project. London 2001: Taylor and Francis, pp. 217-225. Preprint
- Niesyto, Horst (2000): Youth Research on Video Self-productions. Reflections on a Social-aesthetic Approach. In: Visual Sociology 15 (2000), pp. 135-153. Preprint
This article advances my thoughts on a social-aesthetic approach within the field of youth and social research. These reflections are not primarily grounded in traditional approaches of visual sociology and anthropology but emerged from the context of media-educational youth research in Germany. The main assumption of this article is that qualitative youth and social research in particular, which has audio-visual self-productions as the object, should — in view of the increasing influence media has on our perception and the way how the reality is experienced — be open to concepts of subject-related self-presentations. First I make an attempt to formulate a social‐aesthetic theory which focuses on the media-ethnographical exploration of symbolic milieus. Next, I introduce projects run by media-educational youth researchers in Germany, emphasizing the question of conceptions and methods when working with adolescent video self-productions. The final section reflects upon the quality, the validity and the hermeneutics of self-produced videos.
- Niesyto, Horst (1999): Video and Intercultural Communication. In: Children and Media. Image, Education, Participation. The UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen at Nordicom, ed. by Cecilia von Feilitzen and Ulla Carlsson. Göteborg 1999: pp. 323-326.
- Niesyto, Horst (1999): Media literacy and social-aesthetic expression: Intercultural communication by video. In: Students at Risk. Educational Strategies in the United States and Germany, ed. by Mary Lynne Calhoun and Hartmut Melenk. Charlotte: University of North Carolina, pp. 200-212. Preprint
- Niesyto, Horst (1992): Media Work in rural communities. In: Media Education in Europe, ed. by Bernd Schorb. München: kopaed, pp. 197-207.
An overview of the VideoCulture research project is available in English on the website of the Department of Media Education (Ludwigsburg University of Education). A complete overview of all publications (in German; articles in anthologies, manuals and journals, editorships and monographies) is available here.

„VideoCulture“ (Niesyto 2003) is the final documentation of the project. The book also contains contributions in English by David Buckingham & Issy Harvey (London) and JoEllen Fisherkeller, Allision Butler & Emilie Zaslow (New York); article by Gina Lamb (Los Angeles). Full text (Book)
Film example: „Die Liebe“ (The Love) (03:38 min), made by a group of young people in Ludwigsburg/Germany (for copyright reasons only the film pictures can be shown on this website).
Summary contribution (Niesyto 2001).

The EU-project CHICAM: Children in Communication about Migration (2001-2004) was based on the cooperation of research groups in the participating countries. Here the final report about the thematic field Migrant children using visual images to communicate. The video film (10:37 min.) gives an insight into the project. Liesbeth de Block (University of London) summarises the aims and important experiences. The recordings were provided by the project partners. The film was available on the former international website of the project (Copyright: Prof. Dr. David Buckingham, project director).
The research approach „Youth Research by Video“ had a positive international resonance. The following is an overview of presentations related to the research approach and the international project VideoCulture.
20.-23.06.2003, Bologna: International AGORA-Congress “Children’s Programming in Europe and in the Mediterranea”. Lecture: „Childhood, practical Media Work and Qualitative Research“ (22.06.2003).
21./22.09.2001, Urbino: Symposium „Self created Videofilms as a Subject of Youth Research“. Organizer: Institut for Soziology, University Urbino, Prof. Dr. Claudio Baraldi. Lecture: „Possibilities and Limitations of Intercultural Communication with Video” (together wirh Peter Holzwarth and Björn Maurer)
31.01.2001, London: Symposium„VideoCulture – Video and intercultural Communication“. Organizer: Institute of Education, University of London, Prof. Dr. David Buckingham and Department Media Education , Ludwigsburg University of Education. Lecture: “VideoCulture – Video and intercultural Communication”.
13.-17.05.2000, Toronto: Summit 2000 „Children, Youth and the Media: Beyond the Millenium“. Panel: „VideoCulture“ (together witht Prof. Dr. David Buckingham and Dr. JoEllen Fisherkeller). Lecture: „VideoCulture – concept and key findings” (16.05.2000).
14.08.1999, Los Angeles: Symposium „Multiple Voices: Media of Youth Ethnography”. Organizer: Department of Psychology, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Prof. Dr. Patricia Greenfield. Lecture: “VideoCulture – symbolic self-expression and intercultural communication by young people”.
14.-18.07.1999, Antwerpen: Conference of International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA). Plenary Lecture: “Youth Research by Video” (16.07.1999).
28.06.1999, Prague: Karls-University Prague, Faculty of Education. Lecture: „Media and intercultural communication”.
20.-22.03.1998, London: International Conference: „Media 98 – Media, Culture and Education on the Eve of the New Millennium”. Organizer: University of London, Institute of Education. Panel “Symbolic Creativity and Youth Media Production”. Lecture: “Media Education and Forms of Symbolic Processing” (21.03.1998).
Already in the run-up to the VideoCulture project, there were opportunities to present basic ideas of the research approach „Youth Research with Video“:
19.-22.10.1995, Santa Barbara: 21st Conference on „Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts“. Panel: „Art Without Borders. World-building in the Electronic Enviroment“. Vortrag: „The Social Aesthetic Paradigm. Youth Research by Video“.
26.-29.08.1994, Szentendre: Symposium and Exhibition „Visual Talent – Diagnosis and Development“. Lecture „Youth Research by Video“.